Interactive vocabulary exercise from “Yi San” Part 3

Cloze test
with time limit and automatic scoring

Fill in all the gaps and then press the "Check" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. If the time limit has expired, reload/refresh this page to start all over again, or proceed to the next exercise. (Best viewed on Firefox or Chrome)
   Accompanying      artist      assignment      clip      confined      delegation      depression      implementing      influence      merchant      ostracize      planning      Policy      relationship      together      volunteers      warn   
Episodes 31-32

King Yeongjo orders Queen Jung Soon to her quarters. Later, he gives a new to Hong Gook-young.

Led by Princess Hwa-wan, the Noron ministers Queen Jung Soon.

Yi San’s mother (Crown Princess Hae-kyung) finds out about his special with Song-yeon.

After a period of , Yi San begins thinking of the “Equalization ” in order to the of the Noron faction.

Secretary Jung to head the trade to Qing. him are government officials, the clans, and the Bureau of Paintings staff (Artist Yi, Artist Tak, Chobi, and Song-yeon).

After Princess Hyo-eui (Yi San’s wife) finds out what Crown Princess Hae-kyung is for Song-yeon, she visits Yi San at night to him.

Yi San and Song-yeon spend some happy moments . Unknown to Yi San, Song-yeon will be leaving the next day to train as an in Qing and won’t be coming back for at least ten years.